Welcome to Arrowsmith's Ladies Club 9! The purpose of this club is to get out, enjoy 9 holes of golf on one of the most beautiful, scenic and well-maintained golf courses on the Island, have fun, mix, mingle and meet with other ladies who are there on the course (of course!) for the same reason.
From Tuesday until Thursday at 5pm each week, Club 9 members can signup online for golf the following Tuesday. To complete the online signup, golfers must provide their name and email address, indicate if they want an early or mid morning draw (8:15 or 9:45 am) AND indicate if they want to rent a cart. If the form has been properly completed and submitted, a message will appear on the screen confirming receipt of your tee time sign up. By Saturday, your individual tee time and foursome for the following Tuesday will be posted on the "tee times" page of this website. Each week's results and other honourable mentionable notes will be posted on a weekly highlights page.
Also, you will want to check out the "Weekly Format Info" page for rules and information about each week, as a variety of golf formats are played and it often changes from week to week. Information about interclub events can be found in the "Interclub" section and our "News & Tips" page has information about golf pass deals and other useful information!
Have a great round!
Have a great round!!
“I have a tip that can take five strokes off anyone’s game: It’s called an eraser.”
Arnold Palmer